Free Register
Rishtay Expert is there for its exceptional originality and standardization services which no one would ever provide for free. The Rishtay Expert website is entirely free for everyone in Pakistan and around the world. Everyone is welcome to utilize our free online matrimonial service. There are no fees associated with enrolling on our website or using our website services.
You can register without any charges on our website by providing your information like name, age, qualification, job, picture, cast, the area from where you belong, where you live and other parameters on our Rishta Form. Your information will be completely secure and we will not send it to anyone without your consent. We will show only certain information for our webpage.
Go to the Register option in the menu fill in all your details, and upload a great photo to register on the Free Pakistani Rishta Website. We will approve your proposal within 24 to 48 hours. So please use our web page with honesty and decency to find your life partner. Any proposal, including second marriages, late marriages, divorced proposals, and proposals for disabled people can be made on our website for your child, daughter or another member of your family.